Product Management

Product Manager Salary in India

Product Manager Salary in India

Product Management jobs have been around for quite some time and in the past 8 years, it has seen sporadic growth in India. The good thing is that the growth is directly reflected in the salaries product managers are making.

Thinking of scoring a Product Manager job in India? Wondering about how much a product manager job pays in India? Don’t worry ThinkProduct got you covered on the insights!

For the sake of comparison let’s spend a few seconds discussing Project Manager Salary, a role which has been here since ages. 

Project Manager salary India

There are a host of factors affecting the salary of project manager/product manager in India but before the ink is dry on this page, here’s the juice-:

Project Manager Salary

  • Range: Rs.3,00,000-21,50,000
  • Average salary: Rs.11,30,000

Respondents: 10,337 Project Managers

The data is extracted from in-salary(Linkedin) with over 10,000 actual Project Managers logging their salary into their Linkedin accounts. 

Product Manager Salary India

A product manager owns the responsibility of her product and yes ownership pays well! Here is a product manager salary in India:

Product Manager Salary

  • Range: Rs.5,00,000-27,00,000
  • Average salary: Rs.15,00,000

Respondents: 4030 Product Managers

Comparison between Product Manager and Project Manager Salary

Based on the data It is pretty clear that a Product Manager role can offer upto 30% more salary as compared to a Project Manager role.

Factors affecting Product Manager Salary

There are a bunch of factors which affect the salary of a product manager. We will share the top four factors directly impacting the pay scale.

  1. Location

Remember the proverb which suggested ‘A thirsty mane goes to the well and not vice-versa’, same is the case when it comes to finding product management jobs based on location. Bangalore has the highest number of Product Management jobs while Delhi has the lowest numbers. The reason could be attributed to already existing IT infrastructure in cities like Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune and Gurgaon. Let’s see how much a product manager makes in Bangalore- 

Product Manager Salary Bangalore

  • Range: Rs.800,000-3,900,000
  • Average salary: Rs.2,000,000

Respondents: 1213 Product Managers

  1. Company/Industry

The industry in which your company operates or the company itself can directly impact the silver a Product Manager takes home. Overall, ecommerce companies pay more than core IT companies, for eg Flipkart would pay way more for a product manager than Infosys does. 

  1. Experience

This should be easy to understand as the more you work the more you get! Similar lines work for product management jobs as well. The catch here that Product Management is still new to India and finding a PM who has some real product experience is an actual challenge. 

  1. Skills

The list of skills a PM should possess is very demanding and still growing. Skills expectation will change with company and the industry as well but these are the must haves for a Product Manager –

  1. Problem solving
  2. Negotiation
  3. Prioritization
  4. Stakeholder Management
  5. Leadership
  6. Analytics
  7. Excellent soft skills


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